Our Vision

“To develop a spiritually vibrant institution that is academically excellent, gospel centered, Great Commission oriented, financially sound, and pursues a unique interdependency of positive western and PNG influences and resources.

Our Vision Statement contains six phrases which are explicated below-

  • Our graduates will be characterized as people with a passion for God and His Word, encouraging a pursuit of holiness. They will be grounded well in the biblical theology as well as the purpose and story of the whole Bible meta-narrative, which begins and ends with God. We pray that these qualities together, with holiness and grace will produce students who are aware of God’s mercies in their lives and also their responsibility to pursue a life of obedience and godliness.

  • We will foster a love for learning that flows from our own passion to serve well our Lord and all for whom He died. We will do this by being learners ourselves and continuing to grow academically and spiritually as we work. We desire our students to realize that God has prepared good works for them and to train themselves to walk in those good works (Eph 2:10). We desire to see and teach the orderly and creative fingerprints of God in every subject and to understand that He is the giver of all that we need for everything pertaining to life and godliness. We pray this will give eternal purpose, rationale and energy to the daily work of academia to produce passionate servants equipped for Kingdom work.

  • Our administration, faculty and staff deeply value our students as children and servants of God. We hold the work of nurturing Christian leaders as a trust from God, but the gospel will always be held as the highest goal. We will never sacrifice our students, their academic excellence, or the use of their God-given gifts, but we will cultivate an ideology of sacrificing together as we grow for the sake of taking the gospel to the unreached. We will consider both the service and the sacrifice as simple privilege and stewardship.

    As faculty and staff, we consider the way in which we live our own lives as the greatest catalyst in passing this philosophy of education on to the student body. We will seek policy and opportunities together which will strengthen our students spiritually in their individual walk with the Lord, professionally in refining their own

    God-given gifts and personally in their respect of both believers and unbelievers, so that they can, in turn, serve others well.

    We will create within this Christian community an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust, holding each other accountable to the gospel principles in our daily walks, while supporting and promoting each other’s spiritual, academic, social, and physical well-being.

  • As children of God, we will never be placated by a theology that does not require obedience, especially in regard to the Great Commission. Rather, with hearts thankful for God’s grace and blessings, we will foster awareness of this command through both the spiritual and academic components of the academy

    in order to prepare students who are passionate, willing and equipped to reach the unreached.

  • We will seek to be wise, integrous stewards of the finances and resources that the Lord provides. We will pursue financial policies that promote steady growth and long-term sustainability, ensuring the continued development of the academy for the work and purposes previously stated in this vision.

  • We will pursue interdependency in the area of academic excellence. We will do this by weaving together the PNG Government approved FODE curriculum (allowing RVA students to sit national exams for PNG tertiary placement) and US based Christian curriculum to strengthen and solidify aspects of both academia and character. (Col. 3:23, 1 Pet. 2:13)

    We will pursue interdependency in the area of gospel centeredness. We will use courses and curricula that allow and promote Gospel themes to be woven into all academic subjects. We will pursue relationships with other PNG and expatriate churches who also have the gospel of Jesus Christ as revealed in His Holy Scriptures as their core. (1 John 4:1-6, 1 Tim.6:3-10)

    We will pursue interdependency in the Great Commission fulfillment by seeking opportunities to combine the human and financial resources of the west with the indigenous people force present here in PNG. We will pursue teams and projects that allow both to bring their best to the table and to foster an attitude of learning from each other as we model the Body of Christ to the world – a Body that is indifferent to our tribal ancestry, our financial state, skin color, political views, gender or social status. We seek to be unified in our diversities motivated by the Gospel with Christ as our head. (Col 3:11, Gal 3:28, 1 Cor. 12:12-31)

    We will pursue interdependency in the area of finances. We will do this by accepting gifts from sister churches around the globe while requiring school fees from the students, which will involve planning, sacrifice, and hard work on the side of their families. (2 Thess. 3:10)